
Friday, April 15, 2011

Its the little things

Sometimes it's the little things that make life manageable.  They help cull the chaos for mouse.  Now these are in no particular order...but they all help.

  • Go through the mail daily and purge the junk
  • Purge the other junk daily
  • Purge the junk in the fridge before garbage pick up (ditto the freezer)
  • Put a waste basket near the computer and in each room (yes they look tacky but you can remove them when company comes)
  • Do at least one load of laundry a day, fold everything put it away
  • Keep towels folded in the bathroom or neatly placed on towel bars (it's a mental thing)
  • Keep your sink clean (that one's from Flylady...LOL)
  • Keep the kitchen table set for meals (seriously you can't dump stuff all over the table if it's set)
  • Make the bed everyday
  • Run the dishwasher just before going to bed, empty it in the morning
  • Load the washer for the next day (set a timer if you have one)
Anything else???  


  1. Oh this is a great list! Thank you! Some of these things I already do, but the table thing, and the fridge and freezer thing are great ideas and I think I shall try to impliment them! Thanks for sharing!


  2. OOOOOoooooooooohhhhhhh good ones... I also like to wipe down everything in the bathroom every day including the tub. Only takes a few minutes and keeps it from getting really nasty.


